View and edit the archive without decompression!
Support for reading formats:
zip, rar, 7z, gz, iso, tgz, lzh, apk, xz, z, bz2, tar, lzma, zst, lz4,
cab, xar, ar, gnutar, cpio, lzip, lzop, zstd, uu, mtree, pax, shar
Support Mojave dark mode
One-click filtering, quick search
Filter images and documents on one click.
Enter keywords to search for files within the archive.
Select file auto start Preview!
You can directly AirDrop, Share , Run Service, or Select app to open it.
Quick Look preview archives!
Press the space bar in the Finder to preview the archive directly.
Support rar, zip, 7z encrypted archive format
Support Finder service, to extract and compress archives
Bulk encryption and decryption of files
Install “MacZip”
Open the downloaded file “MacZip.dmg”.
And drag & drop “MacZip” to “Applications”, that's done.
Uninstall “MacZip”
Open the “Applications” folder and select “MacZip”.
Press combo keys “option + command + delete”.
Click the “Delete” button to uninstall “MacZip”.
· Declaration
The MacZip author is committed to providing users with convenient user experience and privacy security, providing convenient decompression and encryption and decryption services for macOS users. This product strictly follows the safe and reliable sandbox mechanism of the Apple system for research and development, and only needs basic sandbox permissions to work well. At the same time, everyone's supervision and review are also welcome.
· Sandbox Permissions
MacZip strictly adheres to the macOS sandbox mechanism. To ensure the normal function of the application, the following sandbox permissions are needed:
Sandbox mechanism reference:
Apple Sandbox Official Document
Note: Due to the sandbox mechanism limitation, MacZip cannot set the file open mode. However, it can be set up with the completely independent applet
MacZip Assistant, which has no sandbox restrictions. If you do not want to keep the assistant application, delete it after the setting is completed.
· Encrpytion & Decrpytion
When you encrypt files, pay attention to store your password. MacZip does not provide a password storage service. If the user causes unnecessary loss due to the loss of the password, MacZip author does not assume the relevant responsibility.
· New Version Update
In order to provide the best experience for users, MacZip updates product features from time to time. The software will request the server to detect the latest version and will carry the following information:
a. Irreversible encrypted string generated based on device information as a user tag
b. The version number and language of the user's current system
c. The MacZip version number currently used by the user
· Others
This software is free for any individual or business user. If the user is abnormally damaged due to system abnormality or software defect during use, this application is not responsible for this. The cost of network traffic generated during the process of downloading and using the application by the user is not within the scope of the service undertaken by the application, and the user is responsible for the relevant expenses. By downloading and installing this application, the user knows and agrees to the content of the relevant agreement.
V2.4 2024/02/01
[Improved] Compatible with the latest versions of QSpace and QSpace Pro.
[Improved] The display of Quick Look.
[Improved] When previewing text files in an archive, you can select the texts in the preview.
[New] Preferences > General: File size 1K equals, 1000 and 1024 options.
[New] Preferences > Compression: Ignore the root folder option.
[New] Preferences > Enhanced Finder > Finder Extension: Enable option on external disks.
[Fixed] When opening encrypted archives, an exception occurs when an incorrect password is entered.
V2.3 2022/03/04
[Fixed] Crashes when decompress some archives.
[Fixed] Can't load some archives correctly.
[Improved] Compatible with more volume archive names.
V2.2 2021/07/27
[Fixed] Occasional crashes.
[Fixed] Some archives character encoding automatic detect failed.
[Fixed] The size of some archive content displayed abnormally.
[Fixed] Some archives QuickLook preview are blank.
[Fixed] Open archive can select split volume files.
[New] Preferences > Permissions.
[New] Preferences > Enhanced Finder: Show icons of contextual menu items.
[New] Preferences > Enhanced Finder: Show selections in the title of contextual menu items.
[New] Preferences > Enhanced Finder: Expand contextual menu items.
[New] Contextual menu items on selected archive items.
[Improved] Voice-over support.
[Improved] Action buttons for selected items.
[Improved] Process when the target file already exists during one-click compression.
V2.1 2021/01/04
[New] Support Turkish (Thanks to Şahin ŞAHİN).
[New] Service: Encrypt with MacZip.
[New] Service: Decrypt with MacZip.
[New] Finder Extension.
[New] Operation panel sticky top button.
[Fixed] Hotkey (control+cmd+f) for window fullscreen switching.
[Fixed] The file in archive is abnormal after being overwritten.
V2.0.1 2020/11/28
[Fixed] Encrypt or decrypt readonly files caused crashes.
V2.0 2020/11/28
[Improved] eZip was renamed MacZip.
[Improved] Adapt to macOS Big Sur.
[Improved] Adapt to Apple Silicon.
[New] Support displaying zip file comments.
[New] Support exe self-extracting format.
[New] Support independent compression when selecting multiple items.
[New] Support reveal archive in QSpace.
[Improved] The start window.
[Improved] Remember window size automatically.
[Improved] Automatically remember preview switch.
[Fixed] Encryption is not enabled when enabling one-click compression.
[Fixed] Compressing file names with only one character crashes.
[Fixed] The file name contains abnormal invisible characters when decompressing.
[Fixed] Unable to partially decompress the folder in encrypted archives.
V1.9.1 2020/07/11
[Fixed] When decompressing multiple encrypted archives, cannot automatically try passwords.
[Fixed] Setting open the target folder after decompression does not take effect.
[Fixed] The compression interface is abnormal when the location is too long.
[Improved] Side preview experience.
V1.9 2020/06/28
[New] Automatically try saved passwords when opening the encrypted archives (Disabled by default).
[New] When compressing a single file, trim the original file extension (Disabled by default).
[New] Manually select the file name encoding.
[Fixed] The modified date display format is not uniform.
[Fixed] Some RARs crashes when decompressing, and some formats were not recognized.
[Fixed] Sorting by size and modified time is incorrect.
[Fixed] Crashes on macOS 10.12.
[Optimized] When the extraction is completed, open the target folder.
[Optimized] Archive password verification speed.
[Optimized] Sort by file name.
[Optimized] Saved passwords editing.
V1.8.2 2020/02/13
1. Fixed crash when decompressing multi-volume files.
2. Added default encryption settings item.
3. Added side preview switch button.
4. Added side preview default toggle settings item.
5. Support space to preview file in the compressed package.
6. Added status bar at the bottom of QuickLook view.
7. Fixed exception of dragging and adding files when the password was not entered.
8. Added file name tooltips.
9. Added option to keep the entered password when compressing.
V1.8.1 2019/12/17
Fixed an exception when extracting a single selected file.
V1.8 2019/12/16
1. Significantly increase the speed of decompression.
2. Added direct preview of selected file.
3. Added decompression filtering file settings.
4. Added direct preview file type and max size settings.
5. Added settings of toolbar display and hidden.
6. Added password management support during compression.
7. Added drag and drop files to the archive.
8. Added vertical swipe selection support.
9. Added AirDrop previewing file.
10. Added share previewing file.
11. Added select app to open previewing file.
12. Added select service to handle previewing file.
13. Fixed uppercase suffix file cannot be opened.
14. Fixed some cancel compression bugs.
15. Optimized modification date display.
V1.7.7 2019/10/24
Added Notarization.
V1.7.6 2019/10/15
1. Fixed QuickLook doesnot work on Catalina(10.15).
2. Added input password management and related settings page.
3. Improved Chinese password compatibility.
4. Fixed the decompression folder modification time loss problem.
5. Optimized the suffix when the decompressed folder name conflicts.
6. Optimized QuickLook display.
7. Improved the feedback prompt for the damaged rar compression package.
8. Added press enter to start compression.
9. Keep the files that selected by the user during compression filtering.
10. Added settings: Open the folder after compression is complete.
11. Fixed 7z compressed package zero-size file decompression failed.
V1.7.5 2019/07/23
1. Fixed U-Disk and mobile hard disk Zip archive editing error.
2. Fixed when creating compressed file, too long path name caused display exception.
3. Fixed cleaning Windows temporary file "Thumbs.db".
4. Fixed uncompressed progress display exception.
5. Fixed adding new files to Zip archive, the file with the same name is overwritten abnormally.
V1.7.3 2019/05/04
1. Improve the compatibility of generated zip files on Windows explorer and Android phones
2. Change the access key to create archive with Shift+Command+Y
3. Fixed gz file editing exception
4. Fixed some archive read exceptions
V1.7.2 2019/04/01
1. Improve the APK format reading
2. Optimize the decompression progress display more smoothly
3. Fix the hidden file name missing prefix "."
V1.7.1 2019/03/22
1. Improve the accuracy of encoding recognition, optimize Chinese recognition
2. Repair the 7z format read delay
3. Fix some zip format decompression exceptions
V1.7 2019/03/16
1. Fix some Zip package decompression errors (including unpacking app open exception) [IMPORTANT]
2. Automatically save compression settings (related passwords are stored in the system keychain, safe and reliable)
3. Added "One-click compression" option , you can skip the compression settings page
4. Support drag & drop operations such as compression and decompression
5. Fix some traditional and foreign characters encoding errors
6. Fix some file types drag and unzip failure and file extraction exception
7. Fix some zip/7z encryption recognition failed
V1.6 2019/02/23
1. Update the App Logo and file icons (Thanks to Zealson for contributing!)
2. Fix some drag and unzip failure
3. Fix path exception when partial decompressing
4. Add file open with setting assistant
V1.5.5 2019/02/12
1. Fix drag and drop and partial decompression bugs
2. Optimize the password input box
3. Add option: Remove original files after compression is completed
4. Add option: Remove original archive after decompression is completed
V1.5.4 2019/02/01
1. Fix 7z file password recognition exceptions.
2. Supports switching between light/dark theme (MacOS 10.14 and above).
3. Optimize drag decompression efficiency and stability. (MacOS 10.12 and above)
4. The compression & decompression progressbar is smoother.